Revealing Insight



oloBion is a cutting edge laboratory located in the Barcelona Scientific Park.

Our goal is to help our customers gain new insight about the mode of action of their products or technology with our scientific platform based on mass spectrometry analysis.

Using our state-of-the-art instrument technology and our expert team, we deliver detailed reports revealing the chemistry behind life.

The name oloBion came from holobiont which is the ensemble of a plant or human with its microbiome. The interaction and communication at the molecular level between host and symbiont is the very basis of life.

How Can we help?




Pharma & Health


Do you agree?

Metabolomics is the Link Between Genotypes and phenotypes.

Oliver Fiehn, UC Davis


The biological relevance of small molecules


The Greatest Wall


The Core of Biological Process


The importance of Elements


The Protection against the Cosmos


Proprietary Artificial Intelligence driven workflow for the interpretation of OMICS data



215 Starting from
  • Minimum: 8 samples
  • Delivery time 4 weeks
  • Untarget Metabolomics
  • LC-MS/MS platform with Ion Mobility
  • Extended report: Optional
  • Fast delivery: Optional 2 weeks


235 Starting from
  • Minimum: 8 samples
  • Delivery time 6 weeks
  • Untarget Lipidomics
  • Quantitative results
  • LC-MS/MS platform
  • Extended report: Optional
  • Fast delivery: Optional 4 weeks


350 Starting from
  • Minimum: 8 samples
  • Delivery time 6 weeks​
  • Untarget Proteomics
  • LC-MS platform
  • Extended report: Optional
  • Fast delivery: Optional 4 weeks

Discounts available for orders of more than 20 samples

Our Workflow - A 5 step process

Gain Insight into your product or technology

drop us a line and keep in touch

Project awarded: LIPIDOMAB Eurostar CIIP-20232025

Accelerating the development of a first-in-class antibody blocking lipid metabolism for the treatment of advanced cancer through the development of novel breakthrough technologies.

This project has received funding from the Eurostars-3 joint programme with co-financing from CDTI and from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Framework Programme.

Keep In Touch


Metabolites are the end products of cellular regulatory processes, and their levels can be regarded as the ultimate response of biological systems to genetic or environmental changes. The set of metabolites synthesized by a biological system constitute its ‘metabolome’.

We can identify two types of metabolism: primary and secondary.

A primary metabolite is a compound that is directly involved in normal growth, development, and reproduction. It usually performs a physiological function in the organism. For example, primary metabolites include amino acids, sugars, and organic acids.

Secondary metabolism (also called specialized metabolism) is a term for pathways and small molecule products of metabolism that are involved in ecological interactions, but are not absolutely required for the survival of the organism. Examples of secondary metabolites include: phenols, flavonoids, and alkaloids.


Lipids are extremely diverse molecules. This diversity of lipids creates complex biological systems with lipids acting as key components of cellular membranes, signaling molecules, and energy-storage molecules and substrates.

While lipidomics falls under the umbrella of metabolomics, identifying the hundreds of cellular lipid species requires distinct methods. Exploring the lipidome is important to understand cosmetics, mode of action in human skin, plant-pathogen interaction, and mechanism of diseases.


Proteins are essential macromolecules, pivotal for nearly all biological processes in living organisms. They serve as the building blocks of cells and tissues, act as catalysts in biochemical reactions, and play crucial roles in maintaining homeostasis, mediating immune responses, and transmitting genetic information. The vast structural and functional diversity of proteins enables a wide range of cellular and physiological activities, making them fundamental to sustaining life’s structures and functions.

Accordingly, proteomics—the comprehensive study of proteins—becomes essential for unraveling the molecular complexity of life. By analyzing the proteome, which is the entire set of proteins present in a cell, tissue, or organism, proteomics offers deep insights into cellular mechanisms and signaling pathways. This field is instrumental in elucidating the intricate details of biological functions and processes, advancing our understanding of life.


Ionomics refers to the quantitative measurement of the complete set of ions in a living organism and deals with the changes in ion production under varied external stimuli. Biochemical pathways elucidate the production of ions that play a crucial role in maintaining cell integrity, transportation of minerals, and act as cofactors for enzymes catalyzing important regulatory pathways. Thus, alteration in the production of ions in a process can lead to large changes in metabolic pathways. It is very important to analyze the ions simultaneously as the production of some ions influence the production of other ions.

Questions within physiology, ecology, evolution, and many other fields can be investigated using ionomics, often coupled with other omics sciences.


Carotenoids are organic pigments that are produced by plants and algae, as well as by several bacteria and fungi.

There are over 1,100 known carotenoids that can be categorized into two main classes: xanthophylls (containing oxygen) and carotenes (which are purely hydrocarbons and contain no oxygen).

Carotenoids serve two key roles in plants and algae: they absorb light energy for use in photosynthesis and they provide photoprotection via non-photochemical quenching. Carotenoids that contain unsubstituted beta-ionone rings (including beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, and gamma-carotene) have vitamin A activity, meaning that they can be converted to retinol. In the eye, lutein, meso-zeaxanthin, and zeaxanthin are present as macular pigments whose importance in visual function.


oloMAP is our proprietary AI data processing and analysis pipeline to turn raw data into insights.  We apply cutting-edge approaches to compound identification, chemical enrichment analysis, and metabolic pathway analysis to deliver an in-depth view of the chemical makeup of the samples alongside a high-level perspective of the chemical and biological mechanisms being exhibited.  oloMAP is a self-improving workflow, continuously building upon its metabolomics chemical and spectral libraries so that we can apply today’s discoveries the next study tomorrow.

Quality Policy

[ESP]: Política de Calidad

Don Paolo Bonini, en calidad de Administrador Único de OLOBION, S.L.U., como máximo responsable del Laboratorio, es consciente de la importancia de asegurar la calidad de las actividades de laboratorio (ensayos, análisis y estudios) y la calidad e integridad de los datos producidos, mediante la competencia técnica de su personal, la imparcialidad en su actuación y la operación coherente del laboratorio, por lo que se compromete a:

  • Desarrollar e implantar un Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad para las actividades de laboratorio que garantice el cumplimiento de las normas UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 y UNE-EN- ISO 9001:2015 y de los principios de Buenas Prácticas de Laboratorio.
  • Hacer de la mejora continua su herramienta de trabajo, estableciendo y revisando periódicamente los objetivos específicos de dicho proceso de mejora.
  • Cumplir con los requisitos legales y/o normativos, con los específicos de sus clientes, así como con los de las organizaciones que otorgan reconocimiento.
  • Asegurar la competencia técnica del personal para realizar las actividades de laboratorio y el máximo rigor en la ejecución de las mismas.
  • Garantizar la imparcialidad de juicio del personal que realiza las actividades de laboratorio.
  • Promover la participación y responsabilidad de todos los trabajadores de la empresa en el funcionamiento del Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad.
  • Asegurar el acceso a todo el personal involucrado en las actividades de laboratorio a las partes de la documentación del sistema de gestión y a la información relacionada que sea aplicable a sus responsabilidades.

Esta política y la documentación que la desarrolla, deben ser conocida y comprendida por todo el personal que forma parte del Laboratorio. Es responsabilidad de todos sus empleados su implantación, atenerse a la misma y al resto de documentación del sistema de gestión, colaborando en la mejora continua de la calidad.

[ENG]: Quality Policy

Mr. Paolo Bonini, as the Sole Administrator of OLOBION, S.L.U., and the highest authority of the Laboratory, is aware of the importance of ensuring the quality of laboratory activities (testing, analysis, and studies) and the quality and integrity of the data produced, through the technical competence of its staff, impartiality in its actions, and consistent operation of the laboratory. Therefore, he commits to:

  • Develop and implement a Quality Management System for laboratory activities that ensures compliance with the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and UNE-EN- ISO 9001:2015 standards, and the principles of Good Laboratory Practices.
  • Make continuous improvement his working tool, setting and periodically reviewing specific objectives for this improvement process.
  • Comply with legal and/or regulatory requirements, those specific to its clients, as well as those of the organizations that grant recognition.
  • Ensure the technical competence of the staff to carry out laboratory activities and the utmost rigor in their execution.
  • Guarantee the impartiality of judgment of the staff conducting laboratory activities.
  • Promote the participation and responsibility of all company employees in the operation of the Quality Management System.
  • Ensure access for all personnel involved in laboratory activities to parts of the management system documentation and to related information that is applicable to their responsibilities.

This policy and the documentation that develops it must be known and understood by all personnel who are part of the Laboratory. It is the responsibility of all its employees to implement it, adhere to it and the rest of the management system documentation, collaborating in the continuous improvement of quality.

Privacy and Cookies Policy

This privacy policy will explain how our organization uses the personal data we collect from you when you use our website or contact form.


  • What data do we collect?
  • How do we collect your data?
  • How will we use your data?
  • How do we store your data?
  • Marketing
  • What are your data protection rights?
  • What are cookies?
  • How do we use cookies?
  • What types of cookies do we use?
  • How to manage your cookies
  • Privacy policies of other websites
  • Changes to our privacy policy
  • How to contact us
  • How to contact the appropriate authorities

What data do we collect?

OloBion SL collects the following data:

  • Personal identification information (Name, email address, phone number, sample location, etc.)

How do we collect your data?

You directly provide OloBion SL with most of the data we collect. We collect data and process data when you:

  • Register online or place an order for any of our products or
  • Voluntarily complete a customer survey or provide feedback on any of our message boards or via
  • Use or view our website via your browser’s
  • Register in our contact form
  • Register information in our oloMAP software for sample shipment.

OloBion SL may also receive your data indirectly from the following sources:

  • Our costumers
  • Mailchimp
  • Google Analytics
  • Google search console

How will we use your data:

OloBion SL collects your data so that we can:

  • Process your order, manage your
  • Email you with special offers on other products and services we think you might
  • Send your reports
  • Phone text messages with special offers on other products and services we think you might

lf you agree, OloBion SL will share your data with our partner companies so that they may offer you their products and services.

  • Atens, Agrotecnologias Naturales SL
  • Hello-Nature group

When OloBion SL processes your order, it may send your data to, and also use the resulting information from, credit reference agencies to prevent fraudulent purchases.

How do we store your data?

OloBion SL securely stores your data at our server located in our main lab in the Parc Scientific of Barcelona. Also is backup stored into our Microsoft onedrive subscription. All the data is protected by double authentication and only our personal have access.

OloBion SL will keep your personal data for 20 years. Once this time period has expired, we will delete your data.


OloBion SL would like to send you information about products and services of ours that we think you might like, as well as those of our partner companies.

  • Atens, Agrotecnologias Naturales SL
  • Hello-Nature group

lf you have agreed to receive marketing, you may always opt out at a later date.

You have the right at any time to stop OloBion SL from contacting you for marketing purposes or giving your data to other members of the OloBion SL Group.

lf you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes, please click here.

What are your data protection rights?

OloBion SL would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following:

The right to access – You have the right to request OloBion SL for copies of your personal data. We may charge you a small fee for this service.

The right to rectification – You have the right to request that OloBion SL correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request OloBion SL to complete information you believe is incomplete.

The right to erasure – You have the right to request that OloBion SL erase your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to restrict processing – You have the right to request that OloBion SL restrict the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to object to processing – You have the right to object to OloBion SL’s processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.

The right to data portability – You have the right to request that OloBion SL transfer the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

lf you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. lf you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at our email:

Call us at: +34 934 597 786

Or write to us:

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard Internet log information and visitar behavior information. When you visit our websites, we may collect information from you automatically through cookies or similar technology.

For further information, visit

How do we use cookies?

OloBion SL uses cookies in a range of ways to improve your experience on our website, including:

  • Keeping you signed in
  • Understanding how you use our website
  • Google analytics
  • Marketing

What types of cookies do we use?

There are a number of different types of cookies, however, our website uses:

  • Necessary – OloBion SL uses these cookies so that we recognize you on our website and remember your previously selected These could include what language you prefer and location you are in. A mix of first-party and third-party cookies are used.
  • Advertising – OloBion SL uses these cookies to collect information about your visit to our website, the content you viewed, the links you followed and information about your browser, device, and your IP address. OloBion SL sometimes shares sorne limited aspects of this data with third parties for advertising We may also share online data collected through cookies with our advertising partners. This means that when you visit another website, you may be shown advertising based on your browsing patterns on our website.


How to manage cookies

You can set your browser not to accept cookies, and the above website tells you how to remove cookies from your browser. However, in a few cases, some of our website features may not function as a result.


Privacy policies of other websites

The OloBion SL website contains links to other websites. Our privacy policy applies only to our website, so if you click on a link to another website, you should read their privacy policy.


Changes to our privacy policy

OloBion SL keeps its privacy policy under regular review and places any updates on this web page. This privacy policy was last updated on 9 January 2019.


How to contact us

lf you have any questions about OloBion SL’s privacy policy, the data we hold on you, or you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Call us at: +34 934 597 786

Or write to us:

How to contact the appropriate authority

Users may contact the Catalan Data Protection Authority (Autoritat Catalana de Protecció de Dades, to request further information or to lodge a complaint if, for example, they feel that their personal data rights have not been respected.

Legal Warning


In accordance with the obligations set forth in Law 34/2002, on services of the Information Society and electronic commerce (here in after LSSIYCE), oloBion SL declares that the domain is owned by oloBion SL , with CIF ESB01593243, and address at av. Dr. Maranon 8, Barcelona, Spain

oloBion, SL cannot assume any responsibility derived from the incorrect, inappropriate or illegal use of the information appearing on its pages.

With the limits established in the law, oloBion, SL does not assume any responsibility derived from the lack of veracity, integrity, updating and accuracy of the data or information contained in its website pages. The contents and information included in the website pages of oloBion, SL are prepared by professionals duly qualified for the exercise of their profession. However, the contents and information do not bind the above, nor do they constitute opinions, advice or legal advice of any kind, since it is merely a service offered for information and information purposes.

The website pages of oloBion, SL may contain links to other pages from third parties. Therefore, it cannot assume responsibility for the content that may appear on third-party websites. The texts, images, sounds, animations, software and other content included in this website are the exclusive property of oloBion, SL or its licensors. Any act of transmission, distribution, assignment, reproduction, storage or total or partial public communication must have the express consent of oloBion, SL. PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION The Internet pages of oloBion, SL may contain links to other pages of third parties. Therefore, it cannot assume responsibility for the content that may appear on third-party pages. The texts, images, sounds, animations, software and other content included in this website are the exclusive property of oloBion, SL or its licensors. Any act of transmission, distribution, cession, reproduction, storage, or total or partial public communication must have the express consent of oloBion, SL. If you wish to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, you can go to: av. Dr. Maranon 8, Barcelona or send an email to


This website is owned by oloBion, SL. The Intellectual Property rights and exploitation and reproduction rights of this website, its pages, screens, the information they contain, their appearance and design, as well as the links (“hyperlinks”) that are established from it to other websites of any subsidiary and/or dominated company of oloBion SL, are the exclusive property of it, unless expressly specified otherwise.

Any denomination, design and / or logo, as well as any product or service offered and reflected on this website, are trademarks duly registered by oloBion, SL, by its subsidiaries and / or dominated companies or by third parties. Any misuse of them by people other than their legitimate owner and without the express and unequivocal consent of the latter may be denounced and prosecuted through all existing legal means in the Spanish and / or Community Legal System.

The intellectual property rights and brands of third parties are conveniently highlighted and must be respected by everyone who accesses this page, not being the responsibility of oloBion, SL the use that THE USER may carry out in this regard, with the sole responsibility of His person. Only for personal and private use is it possible to download the contents, copy or print any page of this website. It is prohibited to reproduce, transmit, modify or suppress the information, content or warnings of this website without the prior written authorization of oloBion, SL.

oloBion, SL does not transfer ownership of its software to users. The user is the owner of the medium in which the software is recorded. oloBion, SL owns all industrial and intellectual property rights, including software. If the user transfers the software from this website to his terminal, he cannot dissect for study and decompile, translate the version of the original object code or its language into another code or language.